Why you Need a Digital Video Strategy?
Having and maintaining a video strategy that provides consistent quality video content, will save you from creating aimless content
Do Not Jump into Digital video production without establishing your goals through the content strategy of your video
Video Will Continue to Become a Larger Piece of the Content Marketing Pie
So How to best utilize video to capitalize on the core of your content Marketing strategy?
Simply demonstrate your expertise with stories, stories create a kind of immersive experience that commands customers to react in some way. showing your expertise differentiates you from your competitors and Video help boost your positioning in search results and gets further reach on social media
Learn more about how video is dominating digital content with stats and figures
Tips and Techniques to Get the most out of Your Video:
A. Create a customer-focused experience
- Design your customer experience “What’s in it for me” , consumers expectations have escalated, they now want more interactive and personalized experience
- Understand who your customers are ““Buyers Persona”, Developing a buyer persona is crucial to your buyer success, it allows you to create content and messaging that appeals to your target audience. It also enables you to target or personalize your marketing to different segments of your audience
- Create an emotional connection with your customers, appealing to people’s emotions is one of the best ways to get them to engage with your content, and one of the best ways to create an emotional experience is through videos
- Humanize your Video through the “Video components Motivator”
- Human factor “humans relate to humans”
- Music “Music control the mood”
- Descriptions “text titles and captions”
And then Tie all the above to a specific and relevant call – to – action
B. Plan for Native Videos to have the maximum appeal for each social media channel
It’s a must now to optimize your videos for each platform, “each Video Platform Needs its Own Story Telling Strategy”
- Invest in professional high-quality live video streaming, especially in terms of content quality to maximize the live engagement over social media “Live is the favorite type of video” Read more here Why take advantage of live streaming video opportunities
- The first 30 seconds of a social video is what matters most so make it interesting and it’s essential that your content is super visually appealing
- Learn about each platform restrictions and capabilities for hosting video to get the most out of your videos
C. Optimize Video with Meta-data
Meta-data is the description for the search engines to identify the video content and rank search results according to relevance.
For videos, the three main characteristics that a search engine will filter through when determining the search result order is the title, the description , and the tags
To Conclude:
The more often you deliver value to your audience, the more often you’ll get value back from them
Check out one of our favorite video West Jet Christmas Video we love how skilfully the company’s brand message is tied to the story’s emotional resolution.
What was the most compelling video content you’ve seen recently? we will be glad to Learn about anything you’ve seen recently that had an emotional effect on you.
We Love being part of the Digital Revolution
We are working hard to bring together all the community of online content creators in Egypt in one place aiming to raise awareness, share knowledge and network with like-minded peers about different topics related to online business through a series of meetup that is held monthly #OCCEgypt
Our Last meetup was focused on the essential elements for a winning Digital video strategy it was attended by great energetic tech geeks where lots of interesting conversation took place, hands-on experience and advice’s from the experts…where all the above were clearly highlighted and discussed
Join our meetup community to get the latest insights and trends, network with like-minded professionals and learn from the experts