Six Elements of a Successful Video Strategy

Why you Need a Digital Video Strategy?

Having and maintaining a video strategy that provides consistent quality video content, will save you from creating aimless content

Do Not Jump into Digital video production without establishing your goals through the content strategy of your video

Why you need a Digital Video strategy "infographic"

Video Will Continue to Become a Larger Piece of the Content Marketing Pie

So How to best utilize video to capitalize on the core of your content Marketing strategy?

Simply demonstrate your expertise with stories, stories create a kind of immersive experience that commands customers to react in some way. showing your expertise differentiates you from your competitors and Video help boost your positioning in search results and gets further reach on social media

Learn more about how video is dominating digital content with stats and figures 

Tips and Techniques to Get the most out of Your Video:

A. Create a customer-focused experience

  1. Design your customer experience “What’s in it for me” , consumers expectations have escalated, they now want more interactive and personalized experience
  2. Understand who your customers are ““Buyers Persona”, Developing a buyer persona is crucial to your buyer success, it allows you to create content and messaging that appeals to your target audience. It also enables you to target or personalize your marketing to different segments of your audience
  3. Create an emotional connection with your customers, appealing to people’s emotions is one of the best ways to get them to engage with your content, and one of the best ways to create an emotional experience is through videos
  4. Humanize your Video through the “Video components Motivator”
  • Human factor “humans relate to humans”
  • Music “Music control the mood”
  • Descriptions “text titles and captions”

And then Tie all the above to a specific and relevant call – to – action  

B. Plan for Native Videos to have the maximum appeal for each social media channel

It’s a must now to optimize your videos for each platform, “each Video Platform Needs its Own Story Telling Strategy”

  1. Invest in professional high-quality live video streaming, especially in terms of content quality to maximize the live engagement over social media “Live is the favorite type of video” Read more here Why take advantage of live streaming video opportunities
  2. The first 30 seconds of a social video is what matters most so make it interesting and it’s essential that your content is super visually appealing
  3. Learn about each platform restrictions and capabilities for hosting video to get the most out of your videos

C. Optimize Video with Meta-data

Meta-data is the description for the search engines to identify the video content and rank search results according to relevance.

For videos, the three main characteristics that a search engine will filter through when determining the search result order is the title, the description , and the tags

To Conclude:

The more often you deliver value to your audience, the more often you’ll get value back from them

Check out one of our favorite video West Jet Christmas Video we love how skilfully the company’s brand message is tied to the story’s emotional resolution.

What was the most compelling video content you’ve seen recently? we will be glad to Learn about anything you’ve seen recently that had an emotional effect on you.

We Love being part of the Digital Revolution

We are working hard to bring together all the community of online content creators in Egypt in one place aiming to raise awareness, share knowledge and network with like-minded peers about different topics related to online business through a series of meetup that is held monthly #OCCEgypt 

Our Last meetup was focused on the essential elements for a winning Digital video strategy it was attended by great energetic tech geeks where lots of interesting conversation took place, hands-on experience and advice’s from the experts…where all the above were clearly highlighted and discussed

Join our meetup community to get the latest insights and trends, network with like-minded professionals and learn from the experts




Video is dominating digital content! stats and figure!

Video is Taking Digital content by Storm!

Video has been on the rise, and it only continues to climb, making its way to be an essential part of the customers buying journey.

Various studies confirm the importance of Online Video, we have concluded it as follows:

The importance of Online Video Marketing Infographic stats and figures for 2017

Consumer viewing habits are moving away from TV and toward streaming videos

The popularity of watching TV content in shifted-time has increased somewhat more with the introduction of new devices and services, namely Digital Video Recorder (DVR) and Video-on-Demand (VOD). The VOD service has actually created new options for viewers to access a special video library and watch programmes or films that are not available on broadcast channels (not available at all or not at that period) Source – Consumers gateway

Research of the British Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB) notably shows that, other than the TV screen, personal computers (desktop/laptop) and tablets are the  more frequently used for watching TV content on their screens

What are The challenges:

1. Improving view-ability rates while serving consumers video ads that speak to their interests and converts

2. Focusing on the user experience  “when the customer comes to your shop do not kick him back and send him outside to search for another product”

3. Attaining the Video Ads Revenue

How this could be done?

  1. By investing in your own  Online Video platform.
  2. By having and maintaining a video strategy that provides consistent quality video content.

Learn more here about how Online Video Platforms represents a fundamental paradigm shift for brand marketing

Live Videos on Social Media Boom in Popularity:

Live Videos is quickly becoming a tool that gives brands a high level of reach and engagement over social networks.

Social media platforms  like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have adopted more and more for Live video features over the years

Why take advantage of live streaming video opportunities?

  • Great to capture and share the special moments
  • Building a Live audience “Facebook has reported that live video engagement is meaningfully higher than for recorded video”
  • It gives you a chance to connect and interact with your audience” you can see the number of users watching and users can comment on the video in real time. You can also address comments directly as the video plays”
  • Users automatically get notifications when a page they follow is “going live,” which increases visibility
  • You can save your live video after it finished to your timeline so users who missed it live can watch it later

We will be glad to help you with the video content strategy process so STAY TUNED next week with Part 2 “Six elements of a successful video strategy!”

 If you want a turnkey solution to generate revenues with video advertising, track & analyze the performance of your videos, increase traffic and visibility, increase subscription value and time spent, manage publishing workflows including video Helixware is the right Platform for you Enjoy now a free Trial 



The Essentials of a Winning Digital Strategy!

The digital marketing plan of any organization or company is the window of success in achieving marketing objectives

Using appropriate digital marketing strategy can affect quite significantly on the results of your company’s marketing efforts and sales.

People are consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis – on mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers at work, and more – and companies that have not yet recognized this in their marketing strategies need to adapt fast

Many organizations and companies are available online, but they don’t have a clear, integrated digital marketing strategy.


What are the Objectives of Digital Marketing Strategy?


Digital Media Strategy Infographic

The 4 Elements of Digital Strategy:

Every Organization or company must understand the market they are working in and how to reach their ideal online customers, planning for the Digital strategy should have four basic elements:

  1. Situation Analysis: Assess your current situation Your Online Presence”

To understand where to go with digital marketing, you must understand where you are, it is the first stage of planning it helps you to focus on key issues

What should the assessment include:

Present :  Where are you now? how is your brand or company being communicated? are you available to your target customer and are you engaging with them? is your website attracting potential customers and converting them? Analyzing your competitor’s performance ?
Future:    Where are you going? and what do you want to achieve?

2. Identify your target Audience Buyers Persona”

Developing a buyer persona is crucial to your buyer success, it allows you to create content and messaging that appeals to your target audience. It also enables you to target or personalize your marketing to different segments of your audience

The process of persona creation can take weeks of researches and detailed observation before determination and creation of the final personas that you will be targeting through your site and content.

3. Content Plan

To Ensure that all your content messaging is aligned with the overall brand platform and to create the right content for your target audience, a good content strategy involves the following:

4. Management and Monitoring:

Management: Determining the responsibilities, tasks, content flow, distribution channels , and publishing

Monitoring: One of the most valuable elements of having a digital marketing strategy is the fact that you can continually monitor the outcomes and be able to optimize your strategy and assess what works best and refine your strategy any time.

In A Nutshell, A clear Digital Strategy is a MUST to win Online

We have developed a number of digital strategies for reputable organization’s such as WMRA and BlueCloud

We will be happy to work with you to identify and build the digital strategy you need to thrive.


Many trends emerged in 2016, but what will 2017 bring?

What is 2017 carrying for online marketers and what are the latest technologies that shall revolutionize the way online strategists work?


Connecting the dots in the Digital Era

Last week we had our Online content creators meetup #OCCEgypt where we digged deeper in the latest digital media trends for the year 2017, Media professionals, as well as digital marketing experts, shared their thoughts on what the industry can expect This meetup comes aligned in a series of meetups previously held by InsideOut Today, to bring together all the community of online content creators in Egypt


Our own Fady Ramzy InsideOut Today CEO Summarised  to the attendees how next generation technologies are changing our behaviors online as following:

The next decade is data “Content Organization is the new SEO”


  1. He advised attendees to build their own online identity (blogs, websites, portals) using WordPress as it is the world’s most popular & most used CMS
  2. And he explained to attendees how to  structure their content on WordPress using open data technology such as Wordlift
  3. He discussed the Online Video Revolution and the importance of native videos “it’s must now to optimize your videos for each platform, each Video Platform Needs its Own Story Telling Strategy
  4. Fady explained all about chatbots and how it can transform the way we interact with the internet “Chatbots will drive 85% of customers interactions by 2020” so Let’s build the bot here “Chatbots are a game changer for early adopters”
  5. Fady highlighted the Rise of AR/VR “While virtual reality is once again a hot topic … 2017 will really be the year of AR expecting to see more brands coming out with AR games, AR ads, and attempts to capitalize on AR apps that already exist
  6. Live Video Streaming Will Fully Take Off “considering that Facebook started last year by paying media companies $50 million to produce live videos on its platform, it’s clear that the popularity of live-streaming is growing”
  7. Voice search is a fast-growing technology which may change the way we use search engines and have an impact over their algorithms. In 2016, Google declared that 20% of mobile searches were conversational and according to ComScore, voice search will keep on growing, covering at least 50% of all searches by 2020 – How can a website get ready for voice search? Read more here

And here is Fady’s presentation about Digital Media Trends in 2017

Where is the media & online marketing business heading towards in 2017 in Egypt

This was the second part of the meetup, a very interesting Panel Discussion took place where Media Professionals from Radio, Tv, and Journalists shared their thoughts and experience about the online journalism & digital media business in Egypt


Major Challenges highlighted for the Media and News Industry in Egypt discussed at the Panel Discussion:

Lina Ghadban Independent Journalist said:

  • TV production is controlled 100% by Advertising
  • There’s a big lack of Investigative films due to the high cost of production and lack of resources
  • When it comes to media and news industry, quality control and credible sources is a big challenge

Enas Tharwat Radio and TV Presenter at Radio Masr said:

  • The Online Radio market is constantly evolving, listeners have a multitude of options and therefore won’t invest their time listening to a station that doesn’t provider rich and attractive content
  • Social media marketing: Many Online News Channels are lacking the concept of being effective on social media they use content Quantity over Quality”

Rana Ashraf Video Producer and Journalist said:

  • Lack of awareness, lack of information and lack of trainings is a major Challenge “Employees are Lacking the Awareness and proper training’s Needed to do their job”
  • Some TV stations that are available online, they don’t have a clear, integrated digital marketing strategy

Rawan Lasheen Video Journalist and producer said:

  • Social Media is reshaping traditional Media “it is now the biggest source of news, people are creating the news on social media and accordingly, Media discuss and distribute it”

Radwa El Torify Content Producer at CBC Said:

  • Live videos create higher engagement on social media
  • Media and News publishers in Egypt didn’t adopt yet to the Digital Revolution

How Media and News Publishers in Egypt can Plan for their Marketing efforts for the year 2017:

Going digital is about a whole digitally immersive experience and this should be done through the following:

  • Focusing on Video content variety as well as quality audience and exclusive experience!
  • Investing in professional high quality live video streaming, especially in terms of content quality to maximize the live engagement over social media.
  • Hiring Digital Media professionals and providing the proper training, tools , and vision
  • Building a strong digital marketing plan that includes content creation & management,  and also how to best leverage on social networks for distribution.
  • Awareness on how to implement effectively the digital strategy is very important because building the plan without knowing how to implement it leads to the failure of the marketing efforts
  • How to measure all the marketing efforts online “Assessing Performance and opportunities”


The Meetup was attended by almost 50 persons it was super engaging and interactive and we had a little surprise for our guests at the end of the meetup and gladly we received lots of positive feedback’s after it ended

Thank you to all who attended the meetup here’s the amazing set of photo’s for #OCCEgypt  

And following the meetup we had a very Interesting Twitter Chat with Thair Soukar Head of Digital Strategy at Sky news Arabia discussing Digital Media Trends in 2017 :

How to transform, innovate and succeed in the digital Era the Must Have adaption for 2017:

  1. “Immersive Journalism” on top of the list. This includes VR/AR & 360 videos, Today’s journalists have to be multimedia producers. Their output has to be cross-platform catering for all types of users
  2. Other trends include, programmatic ads, inbound marketing, social/live, video graphics & influencer marketing “Programmatic ads are approaching search marketing capabilities in terms of performance”
  3. Trends also include chatbots. Some researches predict that messaging apps will be the new OS’s & bots will be the new apps
  4. Live is the favorite type of video “It’s currently expected that video can account for 75% of all web traffic in 2017!”
  5. We need to get journalists to embrace open data. If they appreciate its value & learn how to use it, so will the public
  6. Context is the most important thing to the use & success of open data as a tool for global change. The proper context is key
  7. For open data to work out, it needs to be made relevant to people’s daily lives, not just to NGOs & policymakers’ priorities.
  8. If a video report is worth a million words, then a VR report is worth a trillion! The latter places users at the heart of the news.

Here is the summary of the Twitter Chat #IOTTT  with Thair Soukar

To Conclude:

The Digital Marketplace is rapidly evolving. In the past, a change took place over the course of years; now, it happens within months, weeks, or days. Change is coming in a way that no one can ignore.

So adapting to the latest Digital Trends is always crucial for any business that wants to position itself advantageously and is a must for creating a competitive advantage and accordingly business growth

We would love to hear your opinion and discuss further your digital media predictions and thoughts for the year 2017! To do so, you can:

  1. Join our community & attend our upcoming meetups
  2. Contact us directly
  3. Talk to us the social media way!

2016 Year In review….The Journey of the year of Innovation and Excellence

From content creation to digital strategy and implementation? What difference did we make in 2016?


As another year comes to an end, it’s time to look back and reflect on the year highlights

2016 was a very busy year for InsideOut Today

This year was full of new endeavors, hard work, and growth, now we are reaching more businesses, countries, and people than ever before. We have collected top highlights and figures about the journey of InsideOut Today during the year 2016 and put them in a quick infographic. We invite you to check it out


2016 was a good year for us, and we wish you have shared the same level of success. We experienced exponential growth with our products , services , customers and our people

We are tremendously grateful to our team members, clients and partners who contributed to our accomplishments, which should serve as inspiration for 2017.


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year 2017!


Unlocking the Value of Open Data at RiseUp16

Open data boosting entrepreneurship at RiseUp16:


We were glad to be present at RiseUp Summit again this year for the 4th time in a row

We always focus on introducing the latest technologies, sharing experiences, knowledge, resources and best practices with the dynamic entrepreneurs and startups for empowering this ecosystem in Egypt and the region.

We had 2 interesting events this Year at RiseUp16

Jointly with Access to Knowledge for development center (AUC School of Business) we conducted a workshop on December 11th introducing to the community “How Open data can boost social entrepreneurship”

How businesses can harness the power of data


Access to knowledge team started the workshop by introductory remarks on Open data explaining the potential of open data and what it can be used for, giving examples of businesses sharing data, such as Telsa and they presented some case studies such as en2ly showcasing how can Open data improve the transportation sector in Cairo

And they highlighted how businesses can harness the power of data and that open data creates new business models that didn’t exist before

The semantic web is changing the way we use the internet


Our own Fady Ramzy InsideOut CEO presented to the attendees the following:

  • The web has evolved “from web of pages to web of data”, Computers understand the meaning of what we publish on the web.
  • The types of data on the internet and how to structure the content over the web in terms of open data
  • How content classification enables content discovery and creates alternatives entry points and routes for contents

And Fady highlighted 

  • The key to break the internet is to tell stories and distribute it in an efficient way
  • “Data is the current oil.” If we get data we can create new business models and change the world
  • He presented the Linked open data project for Enel Electrified Vehicle charging Network and here is fady’s presentation  during the workshop
  • He advised attendees to build their own dataset using WordPress as WordPress CMS is still number 1
  • And he explained to attendees how to  structure content on WordPress using open data technology such as Wordlift


Fady also presented a demo about Wordlift to inspire social entrepreneurs in this untapped area of massive opportunities

What is Wordlift?

wordlift-logoWordLift, by Insideout group, is a content analysis and recommendation tool for WordPress. It is a tool for publishers, newspapers and magazines to organize their content in a meaningful way, expose it better to search engines, boost their user base, website traffic, advertising and above all user experience and accordingly revenues.

Wordlift adds semantics annotations and combines information publicly available as linked open data to support editorial workflow learn more about it here


The workshop was really interesting and attendees were highly engaged and The hashtag #Opendata went trending during the workshop

Live Streaming Karm Solar annual forum

Karm Solar launched its Annual Forum as RiseUp’s first satellite event. KarmSolar is a solar technology and integration company that delivers innovative solar solutions to the agricultural, industrial, tourism and business sectors. Since its founding in 2011, KarmSolar has been Egypt’s largest private off-grid solar energy integrator, with exceptional experience in developing its award winning high-capacity solar pumping stations

The Forum featured a series of major announcements, keynote speakers and showcases

We had great pleasure to provide Karm Solar with Live streaming over their Facebook page, which had great impact by putting their online audience at the heart of the event.




Mobile is the Game Changer… The Smallest Screen Wins!

Mobile Media Time Is Now Greater Than Ever!

Smartphones are now the first stop for a number of key activities and this trend is taking place worldwide

Globally, mobile has become the primary screen for consumers; mobile is now the preferred way to go online; that means that mobile brings huge oppopportunities to businesses.


The Need for Adaptivity:

It is obvious that your website must be responsive. But in addition to layout and content, the font, colors, graphics and movement on the screen must be conducive to a mobile environment.

With the future of search potentially moving toward being dominated by mobile queries, brands need to be proactive and have a plan for creating quality content that is optimized for mobile devices.

Now professional portals must to be “mobile-friendly” or else Google will not consider it in its search results coming from mobile devices starting last year and moreover this year too.

How to drive sales, engagement & loyalty through mobile devices?

The key is creating unique user experience that is relevant for mobile users and adding value.

Businesses need to consider that each platform has its own user experience, social integration, user profiling and appealing design, the elements in successful mobile marketing strategy is segmenting targeted audience and delivering relevant content.

Mobile Sites need to be conversion-ready. It should be easy for a user to convert on their mobile device without downloading an app.


To Conclude:

  • Mobile search is growing rapidly.
  • Mobile searchers are more ready to take actions.
  • Mobile is the right place to find audience.
  • Mobile websites are vital for businesses that would like to build their presence online.
  • Businesses needs to adapt to stay on top.

Want to take your business to the next level, want to target the right audience? contact us today


Personal Branding is Essential for Entrepreneurs! So How to Master it?

Building a personal brand is important for all of us, but for entrepreneurs it’s crucial for leveraging expertise and building networks!


As  an entrepreneur you are the public face of your business. You have clients and customers on your social media. so accordingly your customers needs to feel closer to you, learn from you and trust you so you have to nurture your network with what they need.

Personal branding is not a tagline or an ad campaign. It’s a combination of your interests, beliefs, ethos, values, talents and skills, among a number of other characteristics

Here is some simple infographic with advice’s on how to brand yourself online:

5 advises for Entrepreneurs' Personal Branding(7)

Personal Branding has Tangible Rewards:

How Personal branding generates interest and opens doors?


“When people are buying your products or services, believe it or not, they’re not necessarily buying that product or service. What they are paying for is a certain type of experience and trust”

Personal Branding helps you elevate your social proof, establish credibility and solidify your niche.

here is a simple guide on how to make money through personal branding

If you didn’t Identify your personal brand yet…YOU SHOULD START NOW

Reregardless of your profession, a well defined personal brand will add tremendous value to your life


Boosting Digital Media Presence through Video!

Online Video has shaken up the World of Social Media

Big brands are taking notice of this trend and are beginning to adopt Facebook video as a way to increase traffic to their video campaigns

Right Now Facebook dominates!

May 2015

It is clear that Facebook is doing everything it can to become the top contender for online video content. Its new view-counter, auto-play feature, and embedding options come together to form a social video platform with a major upside.

Why  Video is a must for Boosting your digital Media Presence!


A recent survey by Animoto of 1,000 professional marketers and 1,012 small- and medium-sized business owners confirms that video marketing is leaving no business behind. Some of the highlights include the following stats:

  • 76.5% of professional marketers and SMB owners that have used video marketing say it has had a direct impact on their business.
  • Facebook was named the most impactful social channel by marketers and SMB owners alike. 44% plan to spend money to promote video content on Facebook in the next 12 months.
  • 1 in 4 marketers and SMB owners feel behind the competition when it comes to video marketing.
  • SMB owners and marketers view video marketing as a skill more desirable than email, design, or written marketing.

How InsideOut Today Can help you Join the Race:

As InsideOut Today is focusing on the entire funnel of Online Content Creation especially video content & video platforms, we have dedicated the last years for lots of researches and working on creating an innovative Online Video platform HelixWare


“HelixWare is professional video hosting platform with everything you need for marketing your contents, reduce costs and engage your audience”


And on the same time we are working hard on developing a roadmap for having “Egypt as the hub for online content production in the region by bringing together all the community of online content creators in Egypt in one place aiming to raise awareness, share knowledge and network with like-minded pears about different topics related to online business through a series of meetup that is held monthly #OCCEgypt

Our Last Meetup #OCCEgypt 6 held in cooperation with Gesr ” a program of Misr El-Kheir Foundation that aims to support technology entrepreneurship through its business incubator and technology innovation lab” located at the Greek Campus “Cairo’s first technology and innovation park in the heart of Cairo”

The Meetup was dedicated to “Video, advertising & social media” how it’s the magic for online business

We had great topics discussed in the meetup:


Our CEO Fady Ramzy discussed with the attendees the below points:

1. The users behavior Online and he went through Ramadan Report about Social Media users behavior last Ramadan

2. Why users prefer to watch Videos Online by presenting the latest statistics and reports about Online Video time spending and he discussed the latest reports by mixpo “The State of Digital Advertising for publishers” and 2016 IAB Video Ad spend study…

3. The Future of Video advertising highlighting how is advertising shifting to online platforms and how it pays off!

4. How Augmented Reality is changing the future of printings, gaming and video entertainment giving a use case for augmented reality such as Pokemon Go and also How to push products in sales materials and brochures with augmented reality he gave attendees the opportunity to test it by scanning HelixWare brochure to witness how Augmented reality is shaping technology! You can also try it just download Layar  scan  Helixware Brochure  and enjoy the show!


5. And lastly he presented HelixWare Online Video Platform to the attendees showcasing it’s  main features which is “Having Control over your video assets, advertising & also who can access the content and how”

afef 1

And we were very proud to have Afef Ajengui Project assistant and Space manager at Cogite Coworking Space, which is the first coworking space launched in Tunisia in 2013 and 3rd coworking space on Earch in 2016 according to Forbes. She is also active in the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Tunisia, and passionate about building a better future in Tunisia and in the MENA Region!

She presented The Startup ecosystem and digital media scene in Tunisia

Afef highlighted the below points:

1. She Gave great examples of successful startups in Tunis and how they succeeded through Innovative content and Video such as digital mania also she gave quick insights and Interesting facts about Internet users in Tunis and best timings for social Media

2. She talked about the success behind Cogite Coworking space and gave quick tips for success ” Love Your work, team work & creating community for better future for your country”

Attendees were highly engaged with the interesting sessions and very useful discussions that took place and here is the set of pictures for #OCCEgypt 6



By choosing the right Online Video platform, having and maintaining a video strategy that provides consistent video content, brands will have the tools to keep audiences engaged and at the same time they will be able to attain the Video Ads revenue SO invest now in your own Online Video Platform!

SignUp for a Free Trial of HelixWare Online Video Platform and also Join our meetup community today and help us share knowledge and educate the community


WordLift and the Tourism Industry. Let the users talk.

Huge investments made by Google, Facebook, BBC, and other big players on graph databases, linked data, and semantic search are shaping the online world, but mid/small size content owners, bloggers and news publishers struggle to adjust their existing information systems to take full advantage of these technologies.

With WordLift we want to democratize this field, offering an easy-to-use plug-in and the power of Artificial Intelligence to every blogger on WordPress.

WordLift Information Architecture Increases Unique Pageviews

As seen on both this blog and our tester’s blog WordLift’s smart permalinks increase the monthly unique pageviews

Since last October we’ve been testing WordLift’s value proposition and results with a set of over 20 beta-testers, which have been crucial to inform the latest product improvements and confirm the value that the plug-in brings to its users. This post is a direct translation of an article posted by one of our testers, sharing his WordLift experience with his community. Hearing from our beta-testers gave us the confidence to open WordLift to the whole WordPress community and getting it ready for its market launch soon to be announced.

Seeing a small hiking organization taking advantage of and contributing to the web of data, makes us proud of what we accomplished so far. Helping this association promote their strategy with much bigger institutions for the development of the whole area, give us great confidence in our higher mission: organize internet knowledge from the bottom-up, leaving the full value of content production in the hands of those who produce it.

We want to thank the team of CamminandoCon for their contribution to the development of WordLift and for sharing their journey with all of us.

If you’re in the tourism industry as well and want to know more about what WordLift can do for you, contact us anytime! For now, let the users talk!

CommunicandoCon: WordLift for Tourism in the Turano Valley

We’re happy to witness many efforts around us to initiate communication strategies to promote the Turano Valley. A few weeks ago we gladly participated a workshop organized by the Riserva Naturale Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia, together with Life Go Park, to give participants basic notions of digital communication, placing training and education first among the many activities necessary to develop a touristic offer. With many other associations and commercial venues, we begun a collaborative path with the editorial team of, to open the attractions of the Turano Valley to all the provinces nearby.

Since the beginning of our journey, we’ve been building our online presence, leveraging a new website and our Facebook page, according to an editorial calendar, and creating partnerships with similar sites to share our weekly events with the broadest possible audience.

To offer a wider contribution to the development of new communication strategies which could benefit the Turano valley as a whole, the team of Camminando Con is proud to announce that, since the launch of our website, we’ve been part of the testing group of, a platform for editing and publishing content online leveraging artificial intelligence technologies.

Without the need of knowing any particular technical skills, this technology allowed us:

  • to create interactive pages, rich of images and links to contextual info about topics, places, and people of the valley, and interactive widgets to connect our stories with yours
  • to optimize our content for search engines like Google, where in just a few months, and with no SEO efforts, we reached page 1 for searches of our interest (such as Escursioni Turano, Borgo Antuni) and for the promotion of our weekly events.
  • to implement a smart navigation system, aggregating our content dynamically on pages dedicated to events and to the territory and disseminating it on third parties communication platforms such as Telegram and Facebook Messenger
  • above all, to create, curate and publish a system of open data mapping all data related to the Turano valley, available in the near future to anyone who wants to promote their business on the web and to wider project such as the Open Data portal of the Lazio Region.

WordLift Graph - Turano Valley

At the end of this test phase, we want to thank the WordLift’s team for letting us use this technology and for the guidance we needed to extend this approach to and collaborate with players bigger than us.

In the wake of a project being implemented by the Tourism Agency of Salzburg, we have proposed the adoption of this technology, integrated with a multi-year communication plan, to a group of stakeholders interested in the development the Turano valley including administrators of Castel di Tora, Colle di Tora, Rocca Sinibalda and Paganico, and representatives of the Riserva Naturale dei Monti Navegna e Cervia, the Lega Navale of the Turano Lake, the Pro Loco of Colle di Tora and the association Andar per Lago, Monti e Castelli. A very fruitful meeting with which we have started a process aimed to enrich the communication of everything that the Turano Valley has to offer.

In the next few months, we would like to expand this project to organizations promoting naturalistic and eco-friendly activities and tourism, beginning with the FederTrek community, which we’re happy to be part of, with the aim to include, in a structural way, the hiking offer of the Turano valley within a national circuit.

It’s an ambitious project: to develop our core mission as part of a larger network, enriching while being enriched by, the whole touristic offerings of the Turano Valley and of hiking organizations on a national scale.

Networking means being available to the network, increasing its value with every activity, aware that the success of all coincide, and it is indeed instrumental, to our own success. Transforming this network into a platform allows everyone to become effectively part of it, and to enjoy the benefits that new technologies and online communication strategies offer today. If you want to be part of this project , help us in the editorial effort it entails, or enrich it with your business, please contact us. We will be happy to meet you, perhaps during one of our escursions. See you soon!