Redlink and Machine Linking form partnership on semantic content management for the enterprise. …
Month: October 2013
Linked Open Data for Enel S.p.A.
Here follows an overview of the Linked Data strategy Insideout10 is developing with Enel S.p.A.
Enel (Linked) Open Data
An overview of the Linked Open Data strategy Insideout10 developed for Enel S.p.A. – running on Apache Marmotta (Redlink) …
Open Platform for Linked Data
If you’re planning to use Semantic Technologies and Linked Data you shall check this presentation from Sergio Fernández on Apache Marmotta Redlink’s core data publishing tool for organisations willing to publish and to build custom applications using Linked Data.
[slideshare id=24537284&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;&sc=no]
Redlink is Interact Egypt’s sister company focused on Semantic Technologies.