In a World that doesn’t stop talking about edgy and innovatives young companies we decided it was time to look back at these last 12 months and talk about our story and then – hopefully (if Maya are proven to be wrong) – quickly forget about it and start pivoting back our overall business model for the beginning of the new year.
Author: Ahmed ElMeligy celebrates Enel’s 50s Anniversary celebrates Enel’s 50s Anniversary
Explore this interactive image …
The subtle decline of coworking spaces
The subtle decline of coworking spaces
We did anticipated the coworking trend quite clearly (and we’re glad to ear the Arab World is also striving to make innovations become a tangible economy – after all InSideOut10, being the major shareholder of an innovative egyptian company, is proudly part of this process) and with the same confidence we can forecast its decline. …
Web Streaming in A1 just got better today!
Web Streaming in A1 just got better today!
L’Aerogeneratore di Acqua Spruzza e il Semantic SEO
Ecco il primo post in italiano e il risultato di un test effettuato sulla ricerca per immagini di Google.
Semantic Tech Development: The European Edge
Semantic Tech Development: The European Edge
Our latest post featured on read more here
WordLift for Semantic Seo explained in Leipzig
WordLift for Semantic Seo explained in Leipzig
Apache #Stanbol becomes a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache #Stanbol becomes a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation
This is a great news: a cluster of semantic and linked data technologies are now available within the Apache Software Foundation …
WordLift becomes part of the Open Company strategy of Enel
WordLift becomes part of the Open Company strategy of Enel
MPEG-DASH gains momentum at IBC2012
MPEG-DASH represents a brilliant attempt at a unified HTTP adaptive streaming standard that can bring the overall digital media industry a step forward.