Open Platform for Linked Data

If you’re planning to use Semantic Technologies and Linked Data you shall check this presentation from Sergio Fernández on Apache Marmotta Redlink’s core data publishing tool for organisations willing to publish and to build custom applications using Linked Data.

[slideshare id=24537284&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;&sc=no]

Redlink is Interact Egypt’s sister company focused on Semantic Technologies.

Apache Marmotta (incubating) from Sergio Fernández

Thoughts about tweets: Forget about privacy, your identity is lost

Thoughts about tweets: Forget about privacy, your identity is lost

You Shall Read it: it’s about You and the Generation that will come after You – It’s long-time thinking in the form of a post. … 


Are You Ready To Make Sense of Your Data?

We finally sent to the Cloud Redlink’s new website and we will release in the coming months the APIs that will allow developers and enterprises to plugin semantic technologies and linked data services to their existing applications and workflows.

Redlink is a company headquartered in Salzburg, Austria and co-founded by Insideout10 (the sister company of Interact Egypt), Zaizi (an experienced open source ICT consulting firm based in the UK) and the amazing team of researchers behind Apache Stanbol and Apache Marmotta.

Here is a quick introductory video where I explain where the Redlink name comes from.

[vimeo w=400&h=300]


Redlink: Semantic Technologies and Linked Data Services

We’re very happy to announce that after kick-starting the company in March we launched our website and we’re moving ahead with the plan of “democratising” Semantic Technologies … 


DuckDuckGo: illusion of privacy? @ziodave on Hacker News

DuckDuckGo: illusion of privacy? @ziodave on Hacker News

Where shall I host my new services to keep the privacy promise … 


On Java and Concurrent Computation: Akka or Reactor – a question by @ziodave on Stack Overflow

Akka or Reactor

It’s not easy to take business decisions and choosing the right framework that at the same time keeps your team up-to-speed, makes clients happy and leverages the challenges of today’s web architectures. … 


This is Andrew Y. Ng

This is Andrew Y. Ng, a Stanford computer scientist working on the Google secretive X laboratory where a small group of researchers began working several years ago on a simulation of the human brain. … 


Acclaimed science-fiction writer Bruce Sterling

Acclaimed science-fiction writer Bruce Sterling closing remarks at SXSW Interactive this year and…we were there 🙂 … 


WordLift 2.5 – Linking WordPress to the Linked Data Cloud [SLIDES]

[slideshare id=18544534&doc=wordlift-sneak-peek-130410064914-phpapp01]


Sneak Peek of WordLift 2.5 [SLIDES]

Sneak Peek of WordLift 2.5 [SLIDES]

This week we kept pushing updates on the code of WordLift …