InSideOut.Today brand reload at the Mashable Social Media Day in Egypt!

Our partner Fady Ramzy was one of the speakers at Mashable #SMDay2014 event in Cairo.


Fady presented the latest on Social Media Trends and Innovations in Egypt, online content creation strategies, innovation in the linked media space and above all he announced the rebrand of our Egyptian company (formerly known as Interact Egypt) now becoming InsideOut.Today!

Here follows a preview of our new brand identity.

You can interactively play with our logo using your keyboard (after pressing the play button)

  • w’ Wireframe YES/NO
  • b’ Background White/Black
  • ARROW UP’ Sphere resolution up
  • ARROW DOWN’ Sphere resolution down
  • ARROW RIGHT’ Sphere size up
  • ARROW LEFT’ Sphere size down

A Bespoke visual identity created for InSideOut.Today. A bright sphere (green or pink) surrounded by flying arcs representing the qualities of our Egyptian team – creativity, technology and social engagement.

Based on same color coding patter of InSideOut10, the identity is open source and available on GitHub for each one of you to generate your unique algorithmically created version of our logo.

As we see computers become smarter and humans massively using connected devices in ever-changing innovative ways we believe keeping algorithms and data open is key to develop a mature and open information society.

With all best intentions we hope to bring these changes in Egypt and North Africa with our new company InSideOut.Today.


Andrea Volpini

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